Introduction to Mindfulness
This is a 6-week programme, providing a solid introduction to mindfulness and take-home tips that will benefit the student and those who support them. The course is based on the 7 principles of Mindfulness from Jon Kabat-Zinn. Each week has an overall theme that we will build upon as the course progresses.
Topics as an example may include…
Anxiety and staying present; the power of the breath
Beginner’s mind; seeing everything, as if for the first time
Letting go; acceptance
Awareness; thoughts, feelings, emotions
Together with the broader topic, each class will include focused relaxation, a short meditation, open discussion and additional exercises depending on the progression of the students.
The course will be delivered in a fun and interactive way, shining a light on respectfulness and awareness. The course is very much tailored to the students in each school / college / workplace so a consultation with day-to-day decision makers will determine the following;
Class length and time tabling
Gender mix (if applicable)
Class size
Content (if specifics are required)